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Latest ASER Report records welcome incremental improvement among primary children

THE 11TH edition of Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) published by Pratham Education Foundation and released on January 18, 2017 throws up no major surprises in its assessment of learning outcomes in schools across rural India for the year 2016 though some welcome marginal improvements in reading and basic arithmetic ability have been seen in primary grades of government …

Civil Services Examination Cauldron

The uncertainty of several weeks over civil services preliminary examination of this year is over and will be held as per schedule on August 24. There has been a high pitched agitation against Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT) first introduced in 2011 and the new pattern introduced in the Main examination in 2013 besides other issues concerning aspirants of the …

Lingua.ly online software makes foreign language learning smarter, INTRODUCES APP NOT NEEDING DOWNLOADING

ISRAEL-BASED LINGUA.LY, A cloud-based language learning technology that provides learners with a free dictionary and learning platform to look up words for English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Hebrew languages,  on June 5, launched a Web app that helps individuals learn a language on all browsers. Previously, Lingua.ly on the desktop took the form of a Chrome extension and had to …

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