Home Opinion (page 4)


The Prakash Effect: Hope

On July 5, the affable bearded Prakash Javadekar, was promoted to the cabinet rank and handedover the ministry of HRD. His appointment was by and large welcomed by all and he did well to acknowledge the national importance of education above politics. Comparatively degree-wise better qualified than his predecessor, Smriti Irani, who moved to textiles, Javadekar brings to the table …

NIT Srinagar imbroglio

In several education institutions across India, Campus life is getting agitated. While enough has been said about JNU and Hyderabad Central University, NIT Srinagar is the latest to hit the headlines. That a petty incident could snowball into such a big controversy isn’t unexpected if it is Kashmir. Ever since time the legendary Kashmiri leader, Sheikh Mohd Abdullah, changed his …

What about a university by Kashmiri Pandits?

AT A RECENT EVENT IN DELHI, THE VICE-chancellor of central university Jammu, Prof Ashok Aima, who for a long period headed the department of business studies at Jammu University prior to his current appointment, made a proposal to Kashmir Pandits in ‘exile’ to set up a university for their boys and girls. Prof Aima had good enough reasons to say …

Swachh Bharat Campaign must go beyond the confines of ‘Abhiyan’

  ON GANDHI JAYANTI LAST YEAR (OCT 2, 2014), Swachh Bharat (Clean India) campaign was launched with much fanfare and promise. The Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared that by 2019, coinciding with Mahatama Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary, the objectives of the campaign would be met and country would be hygienic , clean and less burdened with disease. All government departments …

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