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Right to Education

RTE Activists & Experts call for prudent measures to ensure education for all children in Covid19 pandemic

Imagine this. India slipping in the ranking behind Somalia and other sub-Saharan African countries in provision of education to its children, and then wishing at least to catch up with them! The Covid19 pandemic has exposed India’s stark and naked massive poverty on streets and the present crisis is likely to set back the county’s progress made in the universalization …

The aftershocks of COVID-19 pandemic on school education in India will need a rebuilding of the RTE movement

At a webinar titled, ‘Reaffirming the Right to Education in Challenging Times’ organized by RTE Forum on May 5, some of the country’s top school education experts warned of a whopping 20% children population dropping out of education system even as the existing schooling is likely to suffer mutations and there may be a need of finding viable solutions to …

Ensure health, education and safety of children during unprecedented crisis of Covid -19: RTE Forum

The Right to Education Forum (RTE Forum) through a memorandum to the Prime Minister, has appealed to the Government to take a dozen of necessary steps to ensure the rights of children during this crisis period. Coinciding with the completion of 10 years of landmark Right to Education Act, the forum said that Government must guarantee food and nutrition to millions …

10 Years of little progress of the Right to Education: END OF A DREAM VISION?

The ‘poor’ anganwadi centre, which represents the last mile extension of one of the greatest child centric and community welfare interventions under Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) that began in 1975, has been in the eye of storm  for quite some time over issues of corruption, inefficiency and some people of late have even questioned its need in the first place. …

Present discourse around RTE, teachers, quality, and equity hollow: Prof Poonam Batra

This year (2019) March, some 11 lakh unqualified teachers appointed prior to 2015 who are engaged in teaching work in schools as para teachers across the length and breadth of country have to become professionally qualified under the amended provisions of sub-section (1) of section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009. It was expected …

2018 YEAR END SPECIAL: Consolidation of government primary schools raising a storm

Mirroring a countrywide trend of shutting down schools,  North Delhi (Municipal) Corporation finalized a proposal to merge 20 of its schools and create 10 out of this in December 2018. The three municipal corporations which together have 1750 primary schools with an aggregate of over 7.76 lakh students, had reliably identified 200 low enrolment schools for closure by November 2018. …

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