Home Spotlight (page 55)


Covid-19 Lockdown Challenges for India are far bigger and multiplying

Dr  Nitesh Dhawan, Public Servant and Author There are six major concerns that would need immediate attention pertaining to deteriorating economy, massive job losses, pathetic condition of migrant workers, rural – urban divide in terms of digitization, inadequacies of health sector and social menaces that precipitated due to lockdown compulsions According to UNESCO, shutting down of schools due to Covid-19 …

The aftershocks of COVID-19 pandemic on school education in India will need a rebuilding of the RTE movement

At a webinar titled, ‘Reaffirming the Right to Education in Challenging Times’ organized by RTE Forum on May 5, some of the country’s top school education experts warned of a whopping 20% children population dropping out of education system even as the existing schooling is likely to suffer mutations and there may be a need of finding viable solutions to …

How can handwashing protect from COVID-19 when you’re short of water?

By Professor Stefan Krause, Professor David M Hannah and Professor Iseult Lynch – School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham Never has the urgent call for action on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 to “ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all” been so evident to so many people. The current COVID-19 pandemic makes …

Lessons from Sommet Education, a global leader in Hospitality Education, in COVID-19 point to an emerging revolution in distance education

Distance education is a method which has been used since the 1840s. At first, it involved correspondences via post and after the computer revolution in the 20th century, e-learning has almost emerged as a new way to education and personal growth it has evolved to online learning. And now with COVID-19 pandemic, it has become a necessity and a catalyzer …

‘We couldn’t go to school, our school came to us!’

Although the present Covid-19 pandemic has had drastic impact on all our lives and brought changes in several fields including education yet, Krishnagar Public School, Nadia district (Bengal) has embraced these challenges with purposeful interventions to ensure continuity of academics writes Ramesh Kumar Agarwal, VICE-PRINCIPAL of the school Yes, you heard it right guys! “Actually, our school, Krishnagar Public School, …

The pandemic response and changes have given us a glimpse of how school education could change in the long term

By: Shobha Mishra Ghosh, Asst. Secretary General, FICCI In the current scenario, India has become the second largest market for e-learning after the US. Users of online education in India are expected to reach 9.5 million by 2021 from 1.9 million in 2017-18. With the current outbreak these estimates will overpass all such estimates. On its part, FICCI, under the …

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