Home Spotlight (page 55)


Last Minute Board Exam Preparation Tips

The two national boards, CBSE & ICSE have announced their exam schedule for pending papers for classes X & XII. In this backdrop and covid19 pandemic tension, here is some expert advice for the students By Randhir Kumar Examinations, for long, have been the cause for concern for students all over the world. And with the COVID-19 outbreak, the situation …

School Fee issue snowballing into a parental reformist agenda

File photo: Parent group protest in 2019 By Autar Nehru The Covid19 pandemic has exposed the fault lines within the school system as the wavering trust between private schools and parents touches nadir over fee payment and both sides are now standing vociferously against one another, including in several courts. While some states have made a general appeal to these …

Reopening of HEIs will be a bigger challenge than it appears; will need a lot of autonomy for Institutions and well studied protocols

While thinking about any college or university in India, the first thing that comes to mind is the size of campus crowd as typically the student enrolment runs into thousands, much more than the busiest railway station in the country. And, to maintain social distancing looks a hard order to follow and even if sporadic infections are reported, it will …

Child activists and experts call for Early Childcare & Education National Guidelines to cope with COVID19 pandemic impact on small children

Children below 6 years of age as a category (about 13.2% of country’s population) face a deeper futuristic brunt of Covid19 Pandemic and yet the governments have so far failed to devise a response for this significant chunk of population, which ironically is also the future of nation If you’re a parent of a young child, you should take time …

Running virtual meetings as effectively as the physical ones needs an understanding of Virtual Communication hardware & netiquettes

By Naveen Goyal, CEO, Adda52 This pandemic has stirred up a hornet’s nest, remote working has become mandatory in most of the organizations. It is worth noting how the people who once always longed for working from home are now missing office! Their desire to work from office is not a frivolous gimmick. In fact, it is a realization that …

5 ways the future of work will change in a post COVID world

Bhavin Turakhia, CEO and Founder at Flock The way we worked may never be the same again. The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed every aspect of our professional life — from our daily commute to office travel to our work environment to how we interact with our colleagues and peers. Of course, business is not running as usual. While a …

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