Home Announcements Climate Jamboree at Thyagaraj Sports Complex, New Delhi from Nov 1-3

Climate Jamboree at Thyagaraj Sports Complex, New Delhi from Nov 1-3

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Climate Jamboree, a youth initiative against climate change initialed by TERI School of Advanced Studies (TERI SAS) in July this year, will be seeing coming together of about 10,000 youth (Senior secondary school students, Under graduates and post graduates, Researchers and Young entrepreneurs and professionals) for more than a dozen events planned over three days from November 1 to 3 in Delhi’s Thyagaraj Sports Complex.

Climate Jamboree is a platform meant for climate actors to engage with students on the challenges of climate change and sustainable development and unveil the power of youth to make a difference. The event divided into three broad themes of Science & Technology (Day 1), Development & Society (Day 2) and Governance Day (Day 3) will see live labs Google Earth, CISCO WWF, ESRI, etc, Experiential learning, research forum, energy quizzes and games, demonstrations, street plays, live performances, exhibitions etc. About a 100 experts will also be around at various sub-events. There will be technical sessions on climate change from experts around the world.

A highlight of the program is its breakaway sessions leading to a holistic declaration document which will be taken  into COP 24 to be held in Poland December 2018.  According to Dr. Leena Srivastava, Vice Chancellor, TERI School of Advanced Studies, so far youth haven’t recognized their power of change despite being a powerful constituency. “Youth is a major stakeholder in climate change and yet it is unreached and on sidelines. Our effort is to make them understand their role and contribution. So far all focus has been on government action and on ground people think, it is for government to do and no action on their part. So, if mindset of youth, which is already receptive to change in consumption, behavior, choices, etc, we can make a huge difference,” she added. A number of lead up events have already taken place before this mega event and the jamboree is all set to create a ripple.

Students above 15 years of age can register at http://www.climatejamboree.org/events-finale


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