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Management Education

Success Tips for Fresh MBAs joining the Corporate World

EVERY YEAR IN JULY-AUGUST, the Corporate World is ready to provide a red carpet welcome to the MBA’s. These MBA (PGDBA, PGDHRM, and MMS…) students having completed two year of professional management education are now on the verge of an exciting career. An enviable clan, since not only do companies woo them during campus recruitment with fancy salaries but also …

BRIDGE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT: Modeled to bridge the gap between Industry & education

Setting aside the conventional wisdom of having a serene campus away from hustle and bustle of city life, this B-school sits right in the middle of work places. Having successfully completed the ‘pilot’ of a new matrix of management education in the past two years and sending out its first batch of graduates this year, Bridge School of Management, is …

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