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Right to Education

6 Years of Right to Education: The missing emphasis

Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 or popularly RTE Act entered into its 7th year of enactment on April 1. However, the historic Act largely continues to remain unimplemented and ‘forgotten’  ON 31 MARCH 2016, India marked six years of the coming into force of the Right to Education. And those closely monitoring its progress and journey …

UNFULFILLED PROVISION: 85% of seats under RTE Section 12(1)(c) vacant

The section providing for 25% reservation for children belonging to disadvantaged children groups in private schools still not translating into reality says a review report  A REPORT compiled by a consortium of civil society groups shows that of the estimated 22.9 lakh seats available all over India under Section12(1)(c) of the Right to Education Act providing for 25% reservation for …

Delhi’s Legislative Reform on Education: Hit the nails on the heads or tails of ‘wages’

 On December 2, 2015, Delhi Govt ploughed through the 42-year old ‘tough’ and historic Delhi Education Act of 1973 and passed two amendment bills to align the school education law with ‘ground realities.’  The day didn’t stop there. AAP government dared the wisdom of ‘no detention policy’ of the RTE Act and through a third bill took a lead to …

Catch 22 like situation on ‘No detention Policy’

According to a statement issued soon after the first meeting of the reconstituted CABE (Central Advisory Board of Education, the apex advisory panel on education in India) committee that took place on August 19, in New Delhi, there is a broad census among states to do away with the ‘No detention Policy’ and bring back assessment (examination). Barring Karnataka, almost …

How about an ‘Educate India’ initiative?

Modi sarkar (government) may have different view or even a pragmatic view on an alternative to rights based approach, but that shouldn’t in anyway belittle Right to Education, which incidentally was brought to life after a long struggle and the 86th constitutional amendment was actually brought by the previous NDA government  under AB Vajpayee. There is a clear need to …

5th Anniversary of Right to Education Act: Defeated Implementation

March 31, 2015 marked the fifth anniversary of the Right to Education Act. It was the time to meet the final deadline set under the Act whereby all teachers were to have minimum qualifications. However, like the past two deadlines (on pupil teacher ratio (PTR) and infrastructure provision), the historic law missed this milestone as well.  And the government yet …

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