Home Education (page 11)


What about a university by Kashmiri Pandits?

AT A RECENT EVENT IN DELHI, THE VICE-chancellor of central university Jammu, Prof Ashok Aima, who for a long period headed the department of business studies at Jammu University prior to his current appointment, made a proposal to Kashmir Pandits in ‘exile’ to set up a university for their boys and girls. Prof Aima had good enough reasons to say …

Union Budget 2015-16: ‘Enterprising’ on Education

The union budget proposals for the financial year beginning this April, which was presented in the Parliament on February 28 by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, contains some definite good news for education & skills sectors. When, how and to what extent these key announcements materialize, is something all of us have to look forward to in coming months after the …

New National Education Policy Formulation Initiated-Stage 1: Online Public Participation

After  29 long years, Here comes the chance to redefine & reform India’s education priorities and system In a major initiative on education sector, the union government on Republic Day this year (January 26) launched web-based consultations on website http://www.mygov.in for preparing a draft on a New Education Policy on Education in the country.  A set of 33 themes have …

Budget : India Education Needs an overdose

Quality education is a key driver for economic growth of any country. To spur this economic growth, all of us in the education  sector in India (private as well as the government) need to take the requisite steps to strengthen India’s education system, which is in the need of reforms. There is an urgent need to improve India¹s Gross Enrolment …

New Education Policy 33 discussion themes

The government on January 26 launched the exhaustive exercise for holding consultations aimed at the drafting of a new national education policy and invited suggestions and discussions on the following 33 themes: School Education Ensuring Learning Outcomes in Elementary Education Extending outreach of Secondary and Senior Secondary Education Strengthening of Vocational Education Reforming School Examination Systems Revamping Teacher Education for …

Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya NATIONAL MISSION ON TEACHERS AND TEACHING, First steps towards tackling ‘national emergency’ of TEACHER SHORTAGES

  On December 25, 2014, the union ministry of HRD (education ministry) launched the much awaited national mission on teachers and teaching with an estimated overlay of Rs 900 cr over the 12th plan period (2012-17). Announced, first in the union budget proposals in June 2014 and christened as Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching, the …

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