Home Higher Education (page 18)

Higher Education

Editorial: Don’t Scrap the FYUP of Delhi University

While there is clearly a growing clamour for rolling back the four-year university undergraduate programme (FYUP) of the university of Delhi (DU) introduced only last year after a controversial courtship of nearly two years, the reasons for scrapping be it the electoral politics of Delhi state assembly where elections are likely to be held later this year or ensuring ideological …

News: QS University Rankings Asia out, 17 Indian universities make grade

THE NEW EDITION OF THE QS University Rankings: Asia, released on May 13, sees significant change at the very top of the table. With the National University of Singapore (NUS) reaching the top spot, this the first time in the ranking’s six-year history that the table has not been headed by a Hong Kong-based institution. Fellow Singaporean climber Nanyang Technological …

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