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Right to Education

Budget private schools feeling RTE Act heat staged a protest rally in national capital on April 7

Weather gods deflate NISA Big Show The much orchestrated show of strength by National Coalition for School Education (NISA) where about one lakh representatives (majorly school owners) from country’s budget private schools (BPS) were expected to join a protest rally in Delhi’s famed Ram Leela ground on April 7, against government high-handedness on account of RTE Act implementation, turned out …

RTE Activists up in arms, preparing to turn failure in RTE implementation into a political issue in 2019 general election

92% schools in country are non-RTE Act compliant: Activists Upping the ante against the non-implementation of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, activists on the eve of 8th anniversary of the enactment (April 1) have given a call to make this a huge electoral issue in the next year’s (2019)  Lok Sabha (Parliament) election. At …

NDA GOVT’S 3 YEARS special series: Modi Govt has no vision on education

By Ambarish Rai (Nationally well-known RTE activist and National Convenor of RTE Forum) This government has taken several counterproductive steps to weaken Right to Education Act, which we got after so many struggles. What is worse, it is completely silent on it. All it did was to extend the deadline for trained teachers until 2019. As per our (RTE Forum …

RTE Amendment almost certain now after CABE Resolution

No-detention Policy’ may be diluted and capped at class V instead of class VIII at present Deadline for Training of untrained teachers may get five year extension till 2020 Notwithstanding evidence on good side of ‘no detention policy’ and counsel from  National Council  of Educational Research & Training (NCERT), the union ministry of human resources development is keen to amend …

RTE and CCE: Instructional Leadership is the KEY

IN INDIAN context, whereas all governments have been pledging and working to strengthen the education policies for the terms of their power, there has been a rare evidence of these policies being translated into practice. On the positive side, over the last six decades, there has been considerable expansion in educational facilities all over the country at all levels. But …

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