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Higher Education

Skill Development Talk, All ‘Rhetoric’– Success Mantra Elusive

The Prime Minister, Narendera Modi leaves no opportunity or platform without talking about his pet ‘skilled India’ slogan and when read with his equally catchy ‘Make in India’ catchphrase, an impression has gone out that Skills education has finally arrived to catch the imagination of youth. However, there is much ground to be covered before skills education becomes bankable in …

Campus Plus Sep-Oct 2014

TERI University’s Dialogue on Sustainable Water Resource Management & Cleaning of Indian Rivers Despite cleaning of rivers being a major agenda for the Government, there is a significant decline in water quality – arising from growing population, increasing urbanization and industrial growth, which needs to be tackled with expertise. Against this background and with an aim to address the foremost …

BloodConnect celebrates the ‘Screams of Joy’

BloodConnect, a Delhi-based non-profit youth initiative (NGO), which works with a mission ‘to solve the problem of blood shortage in India’ celebrated its fourth anniversary on August 9 with a rock concert. Renowned music band Parikrama, which performed on the occasion left an estimated 1500 students of Delhi University and colleges enthralled. This year, BloodConnect, an organisation which was launched …

Success Tips for Fresh MBAs joining the Corporate World

EVERY YEAR IN JULY-AUGUST, the Corporate World is ready to provide a red carpet welcome to the MBA’s. These MBA (PGDBA, PGDHRM, and MMS…) students having completed two year of professional management education are now on the verge of an exciting career. An enviable clan, since not only do companies woo them during campus recruitment with fancy salaries but also …

News Plus-July 2014

Ashoka University appoints chancellor, VC The upcoming Ashoka University situated in Sonepat (Haryana) has appointed  noted sociologist, Prof Andre Beteille as its Chancellor, and historian-journaluist Prof Rudrangshu Mukherjee, as the founder Vice Chancellor of the University. Professor Beteille (National Research Professor and Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics) will head the Ashoka University’s Governing Body, its highest authority, …

Feature: India joins Washington Accord

On June 13, 2014, the engineering education in country crossed a major milestone as  India became the 17th country to join the select group of countries of Washington Accord (WA), an agreement that recognizes the substantial equivalency of professional engineering degree programs between the accrediting bodies of such programs in these countries. THIS STATUS was granted to National Board of …

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